Rocking Body Boot Camp

Tailored to your fitness


Our other programs tailored to your fitness:

Walking Fitness Test

Weekly Walking Groups

Wheelie Workouts

Gym/Outdoor Strength and Conditioning Program

Boot Camp Launceston

Rocking Body Boot Camp brings the outdoors & our adventurous spirit to the boot camp environment. The focus is on increasing core and upper body strength, but the legs are certainly not neglected! There are 4 x 10 Session Programs per year (one per season), and the every program has its own flavour!

Register your interest here for Rocking Body Boot Camp, and we will notify you when the next program starts! If a program has already started, you can join mid-way through.

Smashing Summer

Outdoors. Each session held at a different outdoor space in Greater Launceston.

Awesome Autumn

Indoors. Each session held at My Gym, South Launceston.

Winter Warmer

Indoors. Focuses on longer warm-ups. At the end of the program, you will be in great condition as Spring arrives!

Super Spring

Indoors/Outdoors. Meet at My Gym, South Launceston and use the gym or (especially after Daylight Saving starts) surrounding outdoor areas.

Not been to a gym before? Our sessions are inclusive and body-positive. You will be exercising flat-out, but at your own level! At Ascent Fitness, we know that ‘Life’ has happened to our bodies and some bits might not move as well as other bits. We can accommodate all of your own body’s individual ‘dos and donts’. What sets Rocking Body Boot Camp apart is that fun is a constant companion to the exercise, and at the end of each program there is a celebratory dinner we can all go to – straight after our last session!


How much time does it take?

60 minutes from start to finish.

I had an injury, can I still join?

You certainly can! Any advice from your GP or Physio is always helpful. You will have complete control on how hard you are working. If you have specific issues of concern, contact John from Ascent Fitness.

I am pregnant. Is this exercise class suitable for me?

Generally, group exercise classes are OK during pregnancy. However, we ask that you come with specific advice from your GP or Obstetrician on what is appropriate for you. Intensity levels and types of exercises can be tailored for you.

Can I organise a private group for Rocking Body Boot Camp?

You sure can!  If you have a workplace group, social group or even a sports team looking for some additional/ off-season training, Rocking Body Boot Camp can be held exclusively for your group. Exercise plans are tailored to your requirements.

Program:10 x 60-minute sessions.  Minimum Group size:10.  Program Fee: from $215/person. 

Register your interest here:

John will get back to you within 48 hours

Register your interest here for Rocking Body Boot Camp and we’ll notify you when the next program starts! If a program has already started, you can join mid-way through.